Greetings, I found your web site ( ) very interesting. Do you know of any repellant? My neighbor has a honey bee nest in his oak tree — too high to get to. By the way, this is in Northern Ca. I have two cocker spaniel dogs that are very allergic to bee stings. […]
bee nest in tree
Dear Jonathan, The bees are nesting in a hole in a tree in our backyard. They are easily two inches long with stripes. They swarm all the time and have just bit my dog this morning. How can we destroy the nest? E. C. There are several types of bees and wasps that can nest […]
bees nesting in ground
Sirs, We have bee’s that have a nest in the ground under a flower plant. How should we handle this? I want to get rid of them without getting bitten. Thank you for any help or ideas you can give us. In most cases you can treat nests after dark without risk of being stung. […]