I have ants in my yard, they have made canals several places. They are red in the front section black in the back section. I need to know what kind of ant and what kind of treatment I need to order.
If you take some time and go to our ANT CONTROL ARTICLE, you’ll find the very last section deals with ant control solutions for the yard. in this section we outline what we believe is the very best overall approach. This includes the use of DELTAGUARD GRANULES followed by a liquid spraying over the top with the CYONARA RTS. This “1-2” punch really knocks them down and should keep them down for at least 1-3 months. And if you treat with just the Deltaguard alone every 3 months, they won’t come back.
Here are direct links to the products and information listed above:
Ant Control Article: https://www.bugspray.net/tiny-ants-in-home
Deltaguard Granules: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page815.html
Cyonara RTS: http://www.bugspray.com/item/cyonara_rts.html
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