How big is a small squirrel compared to a big squirrel? I believe I have gray or black tree squirrels in my attic and I want to trap them out. I live in Toronto Ontario Canada and they’re active most days. They seem to sleep most of the night but sometimes there I hear scratching just before dawn. There is a big walnut tree in the back park and I think they’re storing their nuts in my attic. Should I trap them in the attic or outside?
If you review SQUIRREL CONTROL article, you’ll learn that the best place to trap them is where they’re landing on the ground when climbing down your home. This will usually be close to a tree or downspout and should be easy to locate.
Use one of the live traps we have listed in the article and bait it with PECAN PASTE along with placing some walnuts to help as a visual lure. Once caught, be sure relocate them at least 10 miles away and when they’re all trapped out, you can seal their entrance holes but don’t do this till you know they’re all gone.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Live Trap:
Pecan Paste:
Squirrel Article:
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