We live in northwest Montana. Our home faces west less than a mile from a lake. Bats have taken up residence on the timbers above our vaulted picture windows 20 feet above the deck and 30 feet above the ground. They are pooping and/or peeing all over our picture windows. How do we get them to move into a bat house and leave our house alone? How do we know what size house to purchase from you? Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you!
If you review our BAT CONTROL ARTICLE, you’ll find we have several options that can be used. The first would be to install some of the SCREENING over the area so they won’t be able to access it. This would provide immediate results and there is a good chance they’ll move away from your home for good.
Additionally, you can install a BAT HOUSE on the timbers where they’re roosting in such a way that they cannot actually get to where they’ve been but instead can only access the bat house. If you take some of their bat guano (droppings) and smear it on the bat house landing pad and up inside it a little, the house will take on their colonies odor. This will help make them think some of their colony has been using it and will get them to at least investigate the prospect of using the house as a new roost site.
As for the size of the house to get; the 2 CHAMBER MEDIUM is always a good starting house. It can house 25-50 bats comfortably and this should be plenty big. If you had more bats you’d know for sure as they would be visible throughout the evening hours. Most colonies are 25 or less and in all likelihood that will be where your colony size too.
As a last resort, you may opt to install one of the ULTRA SOUND DEVICES we have listed for bats which will effectively drive them away for good. Installing one of these units below the infested area and pointed up at where they’re roosting would prove to be a very effective way to get rid of them. The only drawback of this approach is that you’ll no doubt scare them away for good and thus loose the advantage of having them around to eat mosquitoes.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Bat Control Article: http://www.bugspray.com/articles98/bats.html
Bat Screening: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page212.html
Bat House: http://www.bugspray.com/#bat%20houses
2 Chamber Medium Bat House: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/bats/medium_bat_house.html
Ultra Sound Repellers: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page1357.html
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