I found your web site ( ) very interesting. Do you know of any repellant?
My neighbor has a honey bee nest in his oak tree — too high to get to. By the way, this is in Northern Ca. I have two cocker spaniel dogs that are very allergic to bee stings. So far, I’ve made three trips to the vet w/ one or the other in Anaphylactic shock. Both of them almost got it two years ago when the annual swarm landed on the deck in the back yard.
Do you know of anything I can apply to their coats that will repel bees? And, is there anything I can spray around the yard to make the little buggers (the bees, that is) go elsewhere? I’ve tried bee lures inside traps w/ no effect whatsoever.
Bees and wasps will many times be attracted to people, pets and other organic matter which emits odors. In most cases the bees and wasps are only doing what they do naturally. And when they start flying around animals or people, there many tiems will be reactions which lead to stings. I suspect this is happening to your dogs. Since these nests are close by, the odds of the dogs and the bees coming in contact with one another is elevated. And the more the two “meet” the higher the chances of your dogs getting stung.
In cases where animals are being hounded by bees or wasps, it’s a good idea to use some PERMETHRIN REPELLENT on their fur. Bees and wasps are sensitive to this active. It’s odorless to people and labeled for use on pets, horses and other livestock specifically for biting flies and other flying pests. The best formulation is the concentrated liquid Permethrin on the page above. Mix it up in a small hand sprayer and keep it around to use as needed. We know it works well at keeping yellow jackets away and in the few cases where we’ve had people use it as bee repellent, it’s worked for them as well.
Treat the pets as needed. In most cases it will only take a light misting 1-2 a week to do the trick but if they’re outside a lot or subject to a bath or heavy rain, you may need to treat more frequently. But when done right, the bees will detect the Permethrin and stay away from the area, including the pets, where it’s detected.
Maureen Castro says
I’m having trouble around a pool. If I spray this and my dogs walk on it, is it toxic? Worried about absorption through pads as well as licking their feet.
Tech Support says
Your concerns are unwarranted. In fact we sell this in a 10% concentrate you mix with water and can use as a spray directly on dogs, livestock and more. This label is so safe, you can even spray it on garden veggies meant to be consumed by people! Only the safest products enjoy such labeling as the federal government would not allow anything hazardous to come to market.
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