I live in south Carolina and was wondering if I should treat for Mole Crickets with Talstar now or do I need to wait for springs to control them? Please advise.
Based on where you are, MOLE CRICKETS can remain active right through the winter months. No doubt there will be some cold nights and even a week or two where they might shut down and not be active. But any warm spell like we normally see in the southeast during most winters and they’ll be up and out within a day. So if you’re seeing daily temps rise into the 50’s, there is no doubt treatments with TALSTAR or ORTHENE WP would help in controlling them. And since these two products will last 1 month or more, it’s pretty much a sure thing that during that time period there will be a warm period where the crickets will be out and about. Additionally, young mole crickets are especially vulnerable so that any developing cycles in the treated area will almost certainly be affected no matter what so there is still plenty of benefit of doing some work now instead of letting them sit all winter long.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Mole Cricket Control: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page1435.html
Talstar: http://www.bugspray.com/articles98/molecrickets.html
Orthene WP: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page433.html
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