A red cedar tree in a row of the same trees looks dead (brown). On the bark are thousands of termite boreholes with sawdust and i saw some tiny termite-like insects crawling about. According to the info I gathered, termites do not affect or kill this type of tree. I doubt that this tree can be saved, but what can be done to save the rest? Here is a picture of the tree.
The holes in the photo are not from termites. Termites don’t make holes like this nor do they generate sawdust. But there is a wide range of Borers which do both. The larval stage actually eats the wood and after pupating, they’ll emerge as an adult and bore their way out of the log. During this boring they’ll generate sawdust which is what you’re seeing.
The good news is you have several ways of treating this problem. The aerosol option is least effective but can help – especially on trees which have lots of tunnels. I suspect the tree in your picture has significant tunneling so this option may actually help it. See this spray here:
The more effective Cypermethrin can be sprayed on active infestations as well as any tree you want to protect. It can be seen here:
Lastly, the most effective option is the Merit WP. It can be applied to the soil around trees you want to protect and will work as a systemic providing the best control option overall:
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