Loved your web info on Gnats and really would love your thoughts on which way to go. We just moved to DC. We have lots of tall trees in our yard along the perimeter and thus lots of perimeter shade. We just put up a play set in the corner of the yard for our 16 month old son. It is well shaded and has mulch around the bottom. We have another baby on the way due in Nov.
So…. we are looking for the most effective, kid friendly suggestions you have on managing our moderate to heavy localized gnat problem.
Thanks soo much,
The type of yard you’re descibing sounds like prime real estate for gnats, mosquitoes and other biting pests. I just got done fogging my yard and was amazed at how early we’re seeing mosquitoes here in Georgia. Typically they don’t get hatching till June but today there were hoards of them in the shaded area around my air conditioners. No doubt the extra rain combined with the warm temps this month has allowed these guys to prosper sooner rather than later. I expect you will experience more of the same up the Atlantic seaboard including the DC region.
The good news is we have plenty of options available to control these pests. And as you know from our GNAT CONTROL ARTICLE, we feel the most effective way to treat gnats is with a fogging machine. This is especially true when dealing with a yard that’s 1/2 acre or larger. Since you didn’t mention the size of your property, I’ll make some “liquid spray” suggestions first in case your lot is smaller than 1/2 acre. Liquid spraying does take more time but when dealing with lots that are in the 5,000-10,000 sq/ft range, there isn’t much of a difference compared to fogging. Once you get to 20,000 sq/ft, which is almost 1/2 acre, going to the fogger is almost a necessity.
So the liquid options we like include both organic and pesticidal solutions. The ORGANIC MOSQUITO REPELLENT works on gnats, no seeums and other biting pests and can be safely applied anywhere in the yard. It’s not a pesticide; in fact it won’t kill anything. But it’s active seems to repel biting pests and when used throughout the warm season, you can keep your yard pest free if you treat enough. Of course this will require ongoing treatments and in the long run will probably cost more compared to other options. But it’s as close to a “zero” impact product available and if this is your goal, Mosquito Repellent is the way to go.
We also have an organic solution that will actually kill gnats. MOSQUITO KILLER RTS is certified for organic gardening and can be sprayed over the entire area like the repellent but the difference is this product will actually kill mosquitoes, gnats and other biting pests. It will last longer than the repellent and in the long run, would be more effective and save time as well as money.
The last liquid option would be a true pesticide spray. For liquid treating, the CYONARA RTS would be a great way to go. Easy to use, odorless and active on just about any pest, Cyonara will last 1-2 weeks if not longer per treatment. Everyone can come back to treated areas once the treatment dries and Cyonara is actually labeled for use on vegetables so it’s considered mild as far as pesticides go.
And of course, as cited at the beginning of my response, getting a fogger and using some of the BIFEN CONCENTRATE is most likely the best overall option in that the treatments would last the longest, be the least costly to apply and would work on the broadest range of pests. I use the Bifen all year and it works great for any pest we might encounter. Additionally it’s odorless and long lasting making it a great selection for any homeowner. I’ve got a 12 year old playing outside almost every day and he has friends romping through the treated area and I’m 100% sure they’re not at any risk since I spray in the morning and let it dry for 1-2 hours before anyone can go out. Overall this practice should be done no matter what option you choose; if not for the welfare of the kids and pets it would be to allow the product to do it’s work without being disturbed.
Hopefully this gives you some idea on what active to get. Now you only have to decide to what level you want to go regarding the control of this pest. And if you have further questions or concerns, you can always call us toll free at 1-800-877-7290. For your benefit, here are direct links to the information and products mentioned above:
Gnat Control:
Organic Mosquito Repellent:
Mosquito Killer RTS:
Cyonara RTS:
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