Hi there,
I found your website while frantically searching how to control he moth infestation I have in my backyard. I apparently have eggs that are laid and hatching in my landscape. Is there a product that I can use ON the plants to not only kill what is alive but keep what is already laid from hatching? I have holes in leaves (from the caterpillars I assume???) as well as grey-colored moths that fly about. HELP!!
It sounds like you have an active SOD WEBWORM infestation and should treat with the BIFEN GRANULES and CYONARA RTS listed in the following post:
The liquid Cyonara will kill off the existing moths and caterpillars; the Bifen will get down into the soil and take care of any larvae moving there thus breaking the cycle.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Bifen Granules: http://www.bugspray.com/item/453410.html
Cyonara RTS: http://www.bugspray.com/item/cyonara_rts.html
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