Hi, I have read your page. I am wondering.. I have yellow jackets getting in a void in the block foundation of my garage through a void on the outside. The inside is dry walled and I do see a spot on the drywall about 7 feet up that is a circle that looks like old wet drywall about as big around as a silver dollar. I am assuming that may be the nest area? They fly in and out all day long from the outside. This is the first I have ever noticed them in the past 5 years. We do have some in the ground around the property. I got the crap stung out of me mowing about a month ago. I have been in the attic and see no activity at all. What is the best way to treat this ? Thank you.
If you review our YELLOW JACKET CONTROL ARTICLE, you’ll see at the end there is a section on how to deal with nests which can be seen from inside the structure. More specifically, when the nest is seen on an inside wall made of paneling or dry wall sheet rock, which sounds exactly like what you have in your house. In fact the treatment can be done by injecting some D-FORCE AEROSOL through a small hole you can make which will be small enough to allow the injector tip of the D-Force to enter but not large enough for the yellow jackets to exit. If the area is still strong enough and you feel you can poke a small hole through it without rupturing it altogether, this would be the easiest way to contend with the nest. Treatments this way are usually fast acting, thorough and work immediately.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Yellow Jacket Control Article: http://www.bugspray.com/article/yellowjackets.html
D-ForceAerosol: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/d-force-14-oz-aerosol
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