I have what I would call a moderate problem with these bugs. But after doing MUCH reading, I’m not sure what bug they are. I was wanting to use the silverfish traps. Would these work for either pest?
I usually site about 2 bugs a day in my upstairs bathroom. Along with one a day in my bedroom. The other morning I found one (first sighting) in my kitchen (downstairs)….next to my cereal box!!! GROSS!!!!
This has been ongoing for the last several months.
So, can you tell me if the traps would work for both these? Since I’m not sure WHAT I HAVE…..
Thank you.
Silverfish and firebrats are pretty much one in the same. Yes, they are slightly different but the control methods and products available work for both so for all practical purposes, you should think of them as one in the same. Have you read our on line article about SILVERFISH CONTROL yet? It’s quite informative and I suggest you review this as soon as possible. Something you’ll learn in the article is that this pest tends to come from or hang around attics and upstair locations because they commonly originate from walls and roof lines. That being said, they rarely ever make it into a cereal box! I have a strong feeling that may have been a german cockroach!
The good news here is that we do have traps which will catch either silverfish, firebrats or roaches. The least I would do if I was you would be to install some SILVERFISH TRAPS. They’ll catch any silverfish or firebrats that might be active. Spread these around the house locating at least 5-6 of them scattered around the house. You should also install as many ROACH TRAPS in these same areas. This combination of traps will surely catch one or the other and maybe even both. Since treatments for either pest are somewhat different, I would say to hold off doing any treating till you are sure of which you have. At that time you can get some of the SILVERFISH PRODUCTS or the COCKROACH PRODUCTS listed in our respective articles and I’m sure you’ll be able to defeat the infestation of either or both as needed.
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