Hi and Thanks for the article. I live in a condo. The building is concrete block . I am in a corner apartment on the ground floor. The bushes and foliage is around the building outside my windows of course. I have been having trouble with springtails for near two years . I see them on the window sills and they come in when I open a window. It is driving me mad. I have not been able to get the Condo Association or Management to do anything about it let alone have they or even the complexes lawn service ever heard of a springtail. Any help would be appreciated.
As explained in our SPRINGTAIL CONTROL ARTICLE, this pest lives in the soil and will migrate from there into living areas throughout the warm spring and summer months. Stopping them is almost impossible if you don’t treat where they are nesting. In most cases, this will be the soil adjacent to the condo.
For starters, I would apply some of the BIFEN G on top of the soil which is closest to your unit. Continually applying this over the course of several months should enable some to penetrate deep enough to start having a positive impact. This “impact” should a reduction in the numbers that are able to multiply in the soil. By slowing or even stopping this number, you will be able keep them from migrating inside.
You should also spray the foundation wall with the BIFEN IT. This residual will offer another “barrier” which in turn should reduce the numbers seen inside. Lastly, treat any wall voids you can with the DELTAMETHRIN DUST in case some are starting to nest in this space. Keep a can of the D-FORCE AEROSOL close by to help minimize the ones seen inside. It can be used as needed since there will be migrations throughout the season and you never know when one might start. A quick few blasts with the D-Force can dramatically reduce the number seen inside and having it around is handy.
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